The state of our rivers

The Guardian reports on the planned action at the River Wye with the headline: Green Party calls for ‘drastic change’ to water and sewage infrastructure, nationalisation. Ellie Chowns is quoted: “We are here both to demand a water protection zone around the River Wye and to put forward a bold vision for how we can protect all of Britain’s rivers. We need to tackle sewage pollution through real investment in water infrastructure and putting people before profit by taking water companies back into public hands. And we need to tackle agricultural pollution through proper support for farmers to transition to nature-friendly farming, plus giving the Environment Agency the funding and teeth it needs to enforce the polluter pays principle. With these measures, we can restore our rivers back to health.” 

ITV also covers the story and quotes Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall: “We cannot allow shareholders to profit by extracting money from these disgraceful businesses which completely fail to deliver their obligations to society. And so I fully support the Green Party policy of bringing the water companies back into public ownership.”  

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