What has Matt been up to – November/December 2024

Tourism and Economic Growth Strategy – I have made strong representations to “green” this
recently adopted Borough Strategy. Both the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive have
welcomed my intervention to strengthen a Strategy that they admitted, despite its adoption, still
requires considerable work in key areas such as the Green economy. Watch this space.

Procurement Act—I continue to collaborate with Cate and the Officers to ensure the Borough
fully utilises its discretionary powers to incorporate social and environmental criteria as it updates
its Procurement Policy to align with the 2023 Procurement Act. TBC spends approximately £4
million annually on goods and services. The Green Group aims to ensure that this funding is spent
in the most effective manner, in line with our Climate and Ecology Emergency declarations.

English Devolution White Paper—As many of you know, the Government published a White
Paper in December setting out potentially rapid and far-reaching implications for Local
Government and Tewkesbury in particular. While there are some opportunities for more effective
governance, the Green Party, has also been quick to point out some of the challenges.

The TBC Green Group hasn’t had a chance to consolidate its views; however, given the indecent
haste of the process, I have written to the Council Leader to challenge some of the language he
has used in press releases. We don’t yet have an agreement on how the Green Group influences
political statements made by the Council—Hilarie will be addressing that shortly. Additionally, I
have joined fellow Gloucestershire Green Party Coordinators to issue a press release condemning
the County Council’s attempt to undermine the democratic process by cancelling this year’s
County Elections, where the Conservatives are almost certain to lose their majority status on the

Minority Reporting – the Borough Council doesn’t have a fair and transparent way of dealing with
substantive objections to decision-making. I have written to the appropriate Lead Member,
setting out the case for formal Minority Reporting to be adopted by the Council.

Flood Report – I have been heavily involved in ensuring the Council learns all it can from recent
flood events. A report will be made public shortly. I have lobbied to ensure local experts and
especially parish councils, are formally integrated into the decision-making and execution of.

Planning – I continue to press for better policies on social housing provision, energy
considerations for new builds and commercial-scale renewable energy generation and storage.
Many Councils in England have supplementary planning policies that go beyond the Government-
stipulated minimum standards. Given Tewkesbury’s relatively poor funding over the past couple
of decades (thanks, local and national Tories), the Borough is not well equipped to fund creating
these extra policies. I will keep working with the Lead Member for Planning and Place Making to
spot opportunities to do better.

Casework – I remain engaged with residents on matters including housing for individuals with
mental health conditions, general planning issues, and the effects of flooding.

Palestinian Situation and Borough Policies—A resident approached me to ensure that
Tewkesbury Borough Council adopts a strong stance on the Palestine/Israeli conflict, particularly
concerning the atrocities in Gaza. Officers have assured me that the Council follows a range of
legislation designed to prevent unintended support for illegal wars and conflicts. I will ensure that
the Borough’s updated Procurement Policy reflects the Green Party’s firm position.

Please contact me directly if you would like to know more on any of the topics above or have
questions. “Matt Dimond-Brown” councillor.dimond-brown@tewkesbury.gov.uk

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