Tewkesbury Green Party
The Green Party is growing fast. We now represent people in Westminster and in a record number of local councils, as well as in the London Assembly.
Here in Tewkesbury, we now have gained three more Councillors. Thank you to everyone who supported Cate, Matt, Hilarie and Helena in the Borough Elections on 4th May. You now have four hardworking and passionate Green Councillors working on the issues that matter to you.
Your Tewkesbury Borough Green Councillors got straight down to business and are pleased to announce that Cate Cody proposed the motion to widen the scope of the climate emergency before the Full Council on 2 June 2023, and Councillors have voted unanimously to widen the scope of the climate emergency to include the whole borough, to declare an ecological emergency, and to support the Climate and Ecology Bill which is currently before parliament.
We’re working progressively on local issues to improve the lives of all people in Tewkesbury, and to protect our local environment. As part of the Green Party of England and Wales, we share a deep concern for social and environmental justice, expressed through our national policies. We don’t just focus on climate action – we aim to tackle underlying problems of poverty, health, and quality of life overall.
We rely on people power rather than corporate finance in all that we do, so any support you give us has a huge impact. Please consider getting involved with us today so we can achieve even more for Tewkesbury.

Since 1973 the Green Party has been leading the way on action to tackle the climate crisis and nature crisis.
For five decades we have argued powerfully and persuasively in town halls, Westminster and Europe that rapid economic development, powered by fossil fuels and the pursuit of profit, is damaging people and planet and there must be a transition to a green future.
We have achieved a lot. Yet, there is so much more to do in what is a “now or never” decade for climate action.