Previous Events
Held monthly in Tewkesbury Baptist Church, 2-5 pm, next session Sat 15th Feb. Please double check before travelling. Bring electricals, toys, clothes, costume jewellery, anything that needs fixing. Tools can also be sharpened. Tea and coffee available while you wait.
John Moore Museum – Free Wellness Walks – Thursdays 6th and 20th Feb from 11am – Our February themes are “Flooding in Tewkesbury” and “New Shoots in the Garden”. If the weather is awful, a cup of tea and a chat will be available instead. Please call 01684 297174 or email for more info.
Tewkesbury Nature Reserve – Wildlife Wednesday (WW): Share your photography of TNR with us via email or social media to be featured in our weekly WW posts. Volunteering opportunities on the reserve: Sat 8th, Wed 19th and Wed 26th Feb. Events: Free Family-Friendly River Workshops! Join us and the Severn Rivers Trust at the Abbey for lots of fun and hands-on learning! Mon 17th and Tues 18th Feb: Booking required, check our website and socials for details! Visit (links to social media can also be found here) or email for more information.
Plastic-Free Tewkesbury has a useful, local and up-to-date recycling guide
Please let us know if anything changes
Stonehills Community Group – If you live on the estate, please get in touch with
Cate Cody’s What’s Green on the Local Column, January 2025
Tewkesbury Nature Reserve – needs your help! Are you a regular user of the reserve? We need your help for ‘Wildlife Wednesdays‘. If you are a regular photographer of our local wildlife and are happy to share your images with us, please get in contact at Alternatively, message us on Instagram @tewkesburynr or Facebook @tewkesburynaturereserve. Volunteer with us, provisional dates are Sat 11th and Wed 15thJan. Email if you are interested.
Tewkesbury Repair Café
Held monthly in Tewkesbury Baptist Church, 2-5 pm, next session Sat 18th Jan. Please double check before travelling. Bring electricals, toys, clothes, costume jewellery, anything that needs fixing. Tools can also be sharpened. Tea and coffee available while you wait.
Tewkesbury Friends of the Earth Next meeting Mon 20th Jan at The Cross House Pub.
Christmas recycling – If you had one, don’t forget to recycle your Christmas tree and also to donate any unwanted decorations or presents. Plastic-Free Tewkesbury Has a useful, local and up-to-date recycling guide Let us know if anything changes please.
Stonehills Community Group – If you live on the estate, please get in touch with
Gloucestershire Recycles

Cate Cody’s What’s Green on the Local Scene Column – December 2024
Daytime Dance with Cate and George; Fri 13th Dec, 1-4pm at the Watson Hall. Dancing encouraged, but only optional if you’d just like to enjoy the music, watch the dancers, or have a chat and a cup of tea! Free event – all welcome. There will be someone to say hello when you arrive, so you can come on your own or with friends.
Tewkesbury Nature Reserve – Lots going on: Natural Christmas Decor Workshop: FREE sessions making foraged wreaths, festive bunting and more out of natural and recycled materials, Sunday 8th December 10.30-12.30pm or 2-4pm. Email to book your place.
Wildlife Walk and Talk: Join us for a walk on (or around) the reserve, learn about the wildlife and enjoy a cuppa! Tuesday 10th 10:30am – 12pm. Check our socials or email for details.
Cosy Nature Craft Group: FREE beginner-friendly art evening, 16th Dec 6pm- 8pm. Email to book. Volunteer Days: Come and get involved on the reserve! 2 working parties every month to cut scrub and drink tea! Email:
D-Day 80th anniversary commemorated as The Longest Yarn comes to Tewkesbury Abbey. The Longest Yarn is an 80m 3D depiction of that fateful day, 6th June 1944, in wool art. 7th Dec – 9th Jan, 9.30am – 3.45pm, free entry
Free Festive Willow Wreath session, Monday 2nd December, 2pm in the Library. Part of the “Do One Thing” project. Please email to confirm a place.
Plastic-Free Tewkesbury Has a useful, local and up-to-date recycling guide Let us know if anything changes, please.
Tewkesbury Repair Café There won’t be a December session, but the monthly Repair Café will begin again in January 2025.
Priors Park Neighbourhood Project has a new gardening project! This initiative brings together weekly garden groups composed of dedicated volunteers who will cultivate herbs, vegetables, and fruit. The fresh produce will support both the pantry membership, cooking classes and the broader community. The project aims to teach participants essential skills in planting, growing and cooking as well as contributing to the development of the garden space. The garden will feature raised wooden bed planters made via the Community Woodworking Sheds Project and using entirely upcycled materials. CCP, Tewkesbury Nature Reserve and Cllr Cody have all supported this new project. If you are interested in volunteering with the garden project – please either call 01684 290069 or email
Stonehills Community Group – If you live on the estate, please get in touch with
Gloucestershire Recycles
November 2024
Saturday 16th November 10am to 12pm
St.John’s Church Hall, Saint Johns Avenue, Churchdown GL3 2DB
Saturday 16th November, 2 to 5pm
Tewkesbury Baptist Church, Station Road, Tewkesbury, GL20 5DR.
Saturday 23rd November, 10am to 12pm
Brockworth Community Centre, Court Road, Brockworth GL3 4EN
Free Daytime Dances
Cate Cody has been running monthly daytime dances since 2022
Great for people wanting to make new friends and fun exercising, although some prefer to watch and enjoy
the music with a cup of tea instead. The dances are free and suitable for all ages.
Next dates: Wed 20th Nov and Fri 13th Dec, 1-4pm at The Watson Hall, Barton Street, GL20 5PX.

Tewkesbury Green Party Quiz
Tewkesbury Green Party Quiz, taking place on Saturday 9 November 7:00-9:30pm at Tewkesbury Town Hall.

October 2024
What’s Green on the local scene – with Cate Cody
Here is the latest:
Daytime Dance with Cate and George; Wednesday 16th October, 1-4pm at the Watson Hall. Dancing encouraged, but only optional if you’d just like to enjoy the music, watch the dancers, or have a chat and a cup of tea! Free event – all welcome. There will be someone to say hello when you arrive, so you can come on your own or with friends.
Friends of the Earth, next meeting – Monday October 14th 7.30pm. Presentation at the library.
Tewkesbury Repair Café Next session due Saturday 19thOctober. Held in Tewkesbury Baptist Church, 2-5 pm. Please double check before travelling. Bring electricals, toys, clothes, costume jewellery, anything that needs fixing. Tools can also be sharpened. Tea and coffee available while you wait.
Hidden Nature Trail – family trail around Tewkesbury Abbey, on nowuntil 20th October.
Priors Park Neighbourhood Project has a new gardening project! This initiative brings together weekly garden groups composed of dedicated volunteers who will cultivate herbs, vegetables, and fruit. The fresh produce will support both the pantry membership, cooking classes and the broader community. The project aims to teach participants essential skills in planting, growing and cooking as well as contributing to the development of the garden space. The garden will feature raised wooden bed planters made via the Community Woodworking Sheds Project and using entirely upcycled materials. CCP, Tewkesbury Nature Reserve and Cllr Cody have all supported this new project. If you are interested in volunteering with the garden project – please either call 01684 290069 or email
Tewkesbury Nature Reserve – New Carers Social Group. Meet others, socialise, enjoy the outdoors and nature related activities on the Fourth Monday of the month, 10-11.30am. Plus a new monthly volunteer reserve management session taking place on the second Saturday each month from 10am to 12.30pm and the regular third-Wednesday session will also continue as usual. Contact
Gloucestershire Recycles
September 2024
Tewkesbury Repair Café Next session due Saturday 17th August. Held in Tewkesbury Baptist Church, 2-5 pm. Please double check before travelling. Bring electricals, toys, clothes, costume jewellery, anything that needs fixing. Tools can also be sharpened. Tea and coffee available while you wait.
Tewkesbury Abbey Duck Trails – Waddle up to the Abbey this Summer and have a quack at the new Duck Trail!
Throughout August until Sunday 1st September. The trail will guide you around this beautiful medieval building searching for hidden ducks, along the way, you’ll discover some fascinating facts about the history of Tewkesbury Abbey. Collect a trail sheet from the Welcome Desk, and when you’re finished, pick up your sticker from the Abbey Shop. Good luck! This trail is suitable for all the family, and it’s free to take part in with no advance booking required. However, donations to the Abbey are gratefully received. The trail is usually available 9.30am-4pm Monday-Saturday, and 12-4pm on Sundays. Sometimes opening hours change due to special events and services, so please check the website before you visit
Tewkesbury Nature Reserve – New Carers Social Group. Meet others, socialise, enjoy the outdoors and nature related activities on the Fourth Monday of the month, 10-11.30am,
Stonehills Community Group – If you live on the estate, please get in touch with
Gloucestershire Recycles
Daytime Dance Cate and George are taking a rest during August, but we’re back in early September: Our next ‘Daytime Dance’ will be Monday 9th September, 2-4.30pm at the Watson Hall. Please note the later start time just for September. Dancing encouraged, but only optional if you’d just like to enjoy the music, watch the dancers, or have a chat and a cup of tea! Free event – all welcome. There will be someone to say hello when you arrive, so you can come on your own or with friends.
Cate Cody
31 July 2024 / 31 July 2024 by Chris White
Free events to enjoy throughout July in Tewkesbury
There is plenty to get involved with, including the rest of Tewkesbury Goes Wild!

Open Garden afternoon
Sunday 2nd June
11.00 – 3.00pm, Priors Park, Tewkesbury.
Join us for a wonderful afternoon exploring a remarkable private wild garden. Discover wildflowers, grass snakes and slowworm habitats, young and old trees, and a medieval ditch. Bring a picnic and/or come for tea. Cakes and drinks for sale. This is a fund-raiser for the Tewkesbury Green Party.

Tree guards litter pick
Sunday 16 June
2.00 – 4.00 pm, Wheatpieces Woodland Walk.
We are removing the discarded tree guards in the Woodland Walk, Wheatpieces. In the past collected 22 bags full of large pieces of solid plastic and plastic mesh. If you are free and want to help, please drop by as many hands make light work. See you there!

Daytime Discos
13:00-16:00 at the Watson Hall, 65 Barton Street, GL20 5PX
As part of Tewkesbury Town Council’s Warm and Welcome Spaces at Watson Hall will be open 1-5pm for ‘daytime discos’ (swing and Lindy hop). Dancing is encouraged, but only optional if you’d just like to enjoy the music and a cup of tea! Free event – all welcome.

Tewkesbury’s Big Weekend Picnic at the Victoria Gardens
Sunday 19th May
11.00 – 3.00pm, Victoria Gardens Tewkesbury.
We had a picnic under our gazebo by the river at the Mill Street end of the Gardens.

Fundraiser Quiz
Friday 15 March
19:00-21:00 at the Tewkesbury Town Hall,High Street Tewkesbury GL20 5AL
About 46 people attended this successful and fun fundraising event. Nine teams entered and ‘None of the above’ won the quiz. There was some impressive picnic spread, good music, a fun atmosphere and some excellent quizzing.
A special thanks to Karen, the quizmaster extraordinaire.

Tewkesbury Friends of the Earth presented ‘The Soil Micro-biome – How green plants, fungi & microbes can save our world.
A webinar by Dr Christine Jones, Company: Amazing Carbon.
Monday 26 February
7.17 – 9.00pm
Where -Tewkesbury Library, Sun Street, GL20 5NX
A recorded webinar by Dr Christine Jones followed by a discussion and future actions.
Discover The liquid carbon pathway, the mycorrhizal network, the stable humus molecule, the quickest way to build topsoil, the importance of regenerative agriculture and the downsides of current agribusiness.
“Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.” Thoreau – WaldenAbout the speaker
Dr Christine Jones is an active participant and supporter of an Australian movement into a Soil Carbon Accreditation Scheme. With numerous journals and publications produced on regenerative land management techniques, Christine possesses ample knowledge in regards to the treatment and maintenance of Australia’s lush and vast environmental resources.
Christine’s work as a ground cover and soils ecologist has aided and improved Australia’s environmental capital as well as, assisted the progression of studies in Australian Soil, farming and carbon emissions. She is a fundamental asset to Australian land conservation and has been recognized for her work, receiving a Community Fellowship Award from Land and Water Australia in 2001, for her continuing efforts within the community to better manage land, water and undergrowth.

Discover Postlip Woods
Saturday 10 February
14:00 – 16:30
Where – Postlip Community (PHA), Postlip Hall Winchcombe GL54 5AQ
What3Words –///clapper.mingles.february
Stuart Galey, an ex Postlip member and founder of the Elder Grove wood trust took us on a guided tour round the woods and explained the history.

Wheatpieces Woodland walk tree guard clearance -Part two
Sunday 4 February
2.30 – 4.30
Where – Top of Woodland Walk (Footpath at Cambrian Road/ Gainsborough Rd junction)
What3Words – ///birthing.blur.paramedic
We removed 32 bags full of discarded tree guards in the Woodland Walk, Wheatpieces.

Wheatpieces Woodland walk tree guard clearance -Part one
Saturday 25th November
2.30 – 4.30
Where – Top of Woodland Walk (Footpath at Cambrian Road/ Gainsborough Rd junction)
What3Words – ///birthing.blur.paramedic
We removed 21 bags full of discarded tree guards in the Woodland Walk, Wheatpieces.

Tewkesbury Goes Wild – 30 days of exciting activities in July

Monday 31 Jul 2023, 6 – 7.30pm, Anglo American Gardens (behind the Town Hall garden)
Tewkesbury Goes Wild quiz with Megan Adamou, Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust and Cate Cody
Round up a month of fun activities with a nature quiz. We will be giving away prices and listening to your feedback.
Monday 31 Jul 2023, 10.45am start – 12pm, Marina court
Gentle walks and coffee (Age UK) with Ida Poschel, Marina court
Gentle walks aimed at older adults and people who feel comfortable with a short and gentle walk.
Sunday 30 Jul 2023, 4 – 6pm, Abbey Car Park, Gander Lane
Battle Trail Nature walk with Matt Dimond-Brown
Circular walk from Tewkesbury Abbey.
Friday 28 Jul 2023,10.30 – 12.30pm, Tewkesbury Nature Reserve
Butterflies, dragonflies and ladybirds painting with Kate Aubury
Create a symmetrical butterfly, dragonfly and ladybird using poster paints. Suitable for 3 – 10 year olds.
Thursday 27 Jul 2023, 7 – 9pm,Back of Avon Green bridge
River Pollution and remedies with Steve Goodchild, Friends of the Earth
Steve gave an in-depth talk about the pollution in Tewkesbury rivers and most importantly, how to protect it.
Thursday 27 Jul 2023, 2pm – 4pm, Abbey Mill Bridge
Eel pass in Tewkesbury rivers with Chris Bainger and Paul Herickx of Environmental Agency
Gloucestershire is being described as a world leader in elver conservation. A new eel pass in Tewkesbury helps the baby eels cross over the weirs in the River Severn. Chris and Paul explained how the pass works.
Wednesday 26 Jul 2023, 2pm – 4pm, Tewkesbury Nature Reserve
Mini pond making with Lucy Moriaty
A bucket pond is a way of creating a pond without too much effort or taking up lots of space, learn how to build one.
Wednesday 26 Jul 2023, 10 am -12pm, Tewkesbury Nature Reserve
How to build a bug hotel with Pat Barber
Help insects and other minibeasts by building a bug hotel in your garden or outside space.
Tuesday 25 Jul 2023, 10am – 12pm,
Bird identification on the Ham with Jess Baddams
Using apps, this event is aimed at older children.
Tuesday 25 Jul 2023, 11 – 11.30am,Victoria Gardens
Rhymes in the park with Jill Davies
Singing rhymes with pre school children (0 – 5 years old) and older siblings
Tuesday 25 Jul 2023, 2 -4pm, Town Hall Garden
How nature helps against flooding with Friends of the Earth
Experiments showing how nature helps against flooding and the changing climate.
Monday 24 Jul 2023, 2 -4pm, Mitton Green, by Mitton Manor
Bugtastic: make up-cycled mini beasts with Carrie Sermon
Aimed at primary aged children (accompanied), suitable for all abilities.
Monday 24 Jul 2023 – meet at 10.30,vMarina court
Gentle walks and coffee (Age UK) with Ida Poschel
Gentle walks aimed at older adults and people who feel comfortable with a short and gentle walk
Sunday 23 Jul 2023, 12 -2pm, Tewkesbury Nature Reserve
Beginners plant ID and picnic with Jess Baddams
Plant identifying workshop, picnic and visit to the commemoration spray paint project
Saturday 22 Jul 2023, 4 – 6pm , Town Hall gardens
Wildflower seed planting with Jess Baddams
Reseeding wildflowers as part of the bee corridor.
Friday 21 Jul 2023, 8.30 – 9.30am, Vine Way, Stonehills
Caring for newly planted trees with Cate Cody
Tending to 50 new trees – some ‘adopted’ by local residents.
Thursday 20 Jul 2023, 8.30 – 10pm
Bat walk – Tewkesbury Nature Reserve with Giles
A couple of hours exploring the reserve in the evening, watching and listening for bats on our bat detectors. Wednesday 19 Jul 2023, 6pm, Abbey Crescent (GL20 5RX)
Tewkesbury Tree Walk with a group of volunteers
An exciting guided tour of Tewkesbury’s most marvellous trees. The walk is approximately 1.5 miles (circular), very easy paced with plenty of breaks as we’ll be stopping at trees to hear about them.
Wednesday 19 Jul 2023, 10am – 3pm
Volunteering Day at Tewkesbury Nature Reserve with Giles
Aimed at adults but older accompanied children (12 +) are welcome.
Tuesday 18 Jul 2023, 6 – 7.30pm, Anglo American Gardens (behind the Town Hall Garden)
River Maids play with Ingrid Jones, acta Community Theatre Bristol, and a host of volunteers.
A Tewkesbury Water Stories played by local women. 30mins play followed by a discussion.
Saturday 15 Jul 2023, 12.45 – 3.45, Vineyards
Nature based craft and flower bombs with Polly Gannaway-Pitts, Gloucestershire Youth Climate Group
Craft making using nature.
Saturday 15 Jul 2023, 5am, Severn Ham
Dawn walk with Caroline Corsie, Worcester Wildlife Trust
A pleasant andWorcester Wildlife Trust tranquil walk on the Ham to greet the sunrise.
Thursday 13 Jul 2023, 7pm, Back of Avon
Swift spotting with Helen Carver, Tewkesbury Friends of the Earth
Swifts pair for life and meet up at the same nest site in the UK in gaps under roof tiles and in the eaves of old buildings. And Tewkesbury has a long list of old buildings.
Wednesday 12 Jul 2023, 6 -7.30pm, Tewkesbury Nature Reserve
Citizen Science with Giles Alder, Tewkesbury Nature Reserve
Collecting, analysing and observing data relating to the wild flora and fauna in TNR.
Wednesday 12 Jul 2023, 1 -3 pm, Priors Park
Community gardening with Giles and James, Tewkesbury Nature Reserve
Embrace the social aspects of planting and weeding in the open air.
Tuesday 11 Jul 2023, 2- 4 pm, Severn Ham Back of Avon
‘Severn Ham unlocked’, with Alice Moore, The Severn Rivers Trust
Learn about the unlocking the Severn for rare and endangered fish and why the Upper Lode weir has played such an important part in this project.
Tuesday 11 Jul 2023, 11 – 11.30am, Victoria Gardens
Rhymes in the park with Jill Davies
Singing rhymes with pre school children
Monday 10 Jul 2023,1 0.45am – 12pm, Marina court
Gentle walks and coffee with Ida Poschel, Age UK
Gentle walks aimed at older adults and people who feel comfortable with a short and gentle walk.
Gloucestershire County Council Composting Courses
Introduction to composting
Date: Tuesday 13th June
Time: 7pm-8pm
Improving your compost
Date: Wednesday 28th June
Time: 12.30pm-1.30pm
Composting at school or clubs
Date: Thursday 22nd June
Time: 3.45-4.45pm

If you would like to learn more about composting why not take our self led module on composting at home?
Repair Café
20th May 2023 -14:00 – 17:00
Tewkesbury Baptist Church, Station Road, GL20 5DR
Repair Cafés are free events where people who have items that need repairing are put in touch with people who have the necessary skills to repair the items. This can include: clohes, furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles, crockery, toys etc. Items are repaired for free but customers are encouraged to make a donation to allow the repair cafe to continue to run.
Our walk-in sessions are held once a month in the Tewkesbury Baptist Church Hall from 2-5pm.

Canvassing and leaflet distribution for the local election.
We really appreciated the volunteers who helped us up until Thursday 4th May. We were knocking on doors to introduce people to our fabulous Green candidates. We knocked around 3000 doors!
We had action days every Sunday on the run-up to Election Day.

The Big One – Extinction Rebellion UK
21st to the 24th April 2023
The climate, nature and humanity face disaster. We know it’s time to act.
Join 100,000 people holding them to account.
The invitation was for everybody to Unite to Survive at ‘The Big One’ – a four day action from the 21st to the 24th April 2023, where people from all groups and movements, not just XR, gathered throughout Westminster and at the Houses of Parliament.
More than 70 organisations supported – including Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and PCS Union to name but a few.
- Family-friendly
- Accessible and welcoming
- Creative
- Engaging
The streets was transformed with People’s Pickets outside government departments and a diverse programme of speakers, performers and workshops, awash with colour and culture. There was art and music, talks from experts, places to listen and engage, and activities for the kids.
- Friday 21st – Unite to Survive. Westminster is filled with flags, banners and people.
Saturday 22nd – Earth Day. An enormous, celebration & family-friendly march for biodiversity! - Sunday 23rd – Running Out of Time! The Big One coexists with the London Marathon.
- Monday 24th – Choose Your Future. Parliament returns, the demand is delivered.

How massively delighted are we to have won the Twyning Hill End Road appeal; planning permission refused, 2,000 trees safe. Residents love the wood and all the wildlife it supports in the centre of their village. Brilliant result!!
Cate Spoke at the Planning Inquiry as the County Councillor for the area and she spent three days there with one of the Parish Councillors. “Phew! – everyone is so relieved at the only possible, sensible outcome.”

Pension Protest
Fellow County Councillor Chloe Turner wrote to the Chair of the Pension Committee, asking for GCC to do more to divest from fossil fuels and as part of a National day of Action, we protested outside Shire Hall. Thanks to Matt who was there too and took the photo.

Leaving No Litter Behind
25th March 2023
Last weekend, some of us took part in the Severn Rivers Trust Severn Spring Clean, here on Tewkesbury’s Nature Reserve. It’s not just about the things we do behind the scenes, getting out there and making the small differences that count is equally as important to us!

V2G: making the Electricity Grid greener and saving us all money. TGP online event, 23 January 2023.
A post-event reflection by Stuart Galey.
How Electric Cars can help make the Electricity Grid greener whilst saving us all money. A conversation with Mike Potter, CEO Crowdcharge
Join us to hear about work underway in the area to make this a reality
Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) is an exciting proposition that can utilise the batteries in electric cars to power our homes, balance the grid without resorting to fossil fuels and save us all money. With around 37 million Battery Electric Vehicles projected to be on the UK roads by 2050 (with many megawatts of combined battery storage therefore outside peoples houses*), the benefits to households, electricity/grid providers and the wider country are enormous.
Mike Potter, who heads up CrowdCharge, is running a multi-year innovation project to see how we can make V2G a reality. He has agreed to speak with us about V2G, its enormous opportunities but also its challenges; and the benefits already being realised by the project and for its 100 participants (a participant from Tewkesbury will be in the audience). Mike is happy to answer your V2G questions
15th November, 7.00 – 8.30pm
Tewkesbury Library, Sun Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5NX
A talk on how local knowledge will play a key part in coping with Tewkesbury’s floods and droughts
Professor McEwen has kindly agreed to talk about why local knowledge is key to us coping and adapting to floods and droughts here in Tewkesbury. She will be using examples from her recent work on the Lower Severn.
Lindsey McEwen heads up the Centre for Water, Communities, and Resilience at the University of the West of England.

17th June, 6.45 – 8.30pm
Watson Hall, Barton St, Tewkesbury, GL20 5PX
Climate and Ecological Bill Public Forum Event
Zero Hour, the campaign behind the Climate and Ecology Bill, is holding a public forum meeting to demonstrate the huge depth of support in our constituency for climate action.
There is also an open letter calling on local MP Laurence Robertson to back the Bill and it needs your support to help reach 500 signatures and 80 organisations by the end of August:
The CE Bill campaign is growing fast and gaining a lot of traction amongst Conservative councils. With its record of flooding Tewkesbury has every reason to expect its MP to back the Bill. Please show your support.
21st June, 7pm
Bishop’s Cleeve Methodist Hall
A talk about Cleeve Common
Giles Alder, Conservation Officer for the Cleeve Common Trust, will be giving our first in-person talk since Covid struck.
Cleeve Common is the largest common in the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It is also the highest point in the Cotswolds at 330m. It is a conservation area and Site of Special Scientific Interest for its geology, habitats and botany and it contains a wealth of archaeological interest, including three Scheduled Monuments. It is looked after by Cleeve Common Trust, a small charity with the vision that:
“In 100 years’ time, Cleeve Common will offer visitors the same sense of space, tranquility and diversity of plant and wildlife as it does today.”
Please come along to show your support and learn more about our very important local spaces.
Tewkesbury Repair Cafe Dates 2022
18th June, 23rd July, 20th August, 17th September, 22nd October, 19th
November. These are all Saturdays, 2-5pm at the Baptist Church. Bring things that need fixing (toys, electronics, gadgets, clothes etc etc) and tools that need sharpening. Check before leaving to make sure that the event is going ahead in case of Covid interruptions (rules or volunteer shortages).
15 March 2022: Green Team Society
Being a student and being sustainable can be quite hard for some, as sometimes environmentally friendly ways are not accessible for them. Fortunately, University of Gloucestershire is the number 1 most sustainable University in the UK!
We joined these students to look at ways they can stay sustainable on a low budget – things such as hosting sustainability workshops, ‘ Escooting’ instead of driving, food shopping consciously, litter picking and of course working for climate change.
Thursday 17 February, 6pm
An evening with Jenny Jones (Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb)
Jenny is a very experienced Green Party of England and Wales member and has represented us in the House of Lords since 2013, having been chosen in a ballot of all Green party members. She has spent many years raising awareness of Environmental issues and Climate Change as well as being involved in many projects concerning social and welfare issues, civil liberties, transport and employment policies. Her most successful roles (amongst many others) were as the Mayor’s Green Transport Adviser (2004-2008) and Road Safety Ambassador (2001-2008), during which time the number of people killed and seriously injured on London’s roads decreased by over 2,000 with 20 mph zones and increased traffic policing. A report she commissioned led to the creation of the hire bike scheme and London’s cycling superhighways.
For more information about Jenny see:
16 November 2021: Garden Ecosystems by Alison Ensor

Alison talked about how we might be seeking to control nature in our gardens rather than learning to understand, trust and work with it. Read a summary of the talk here.
October 2021

Matt Cleevely from Cleevely Electric vehicles talked about electric cars and answered questions on the subject
Cleevely Electric vehicles is a family run business based in Cheltenham. It’s co-owner, Matt Cleevely is passionate and knowleadgeable about renewable energy in general and in particular about electric cars. He shared his expertise in this area with us and explained why making the move from a petrol or diesel car to one that runs on electricity is not only better for the environment but also offers cheaper running, maintenance and servicing costs and a generally calmer and less stressful driving experience.
Saturday 18th September – Tewkesbury Friends of the Earth – Urgent Action on Climate Change
Tewkesbury Friends of the Earth held a Green Event on Saturday 18th September at Tewkesbury Methodist Church Hall. This was part of The Great Big Green Week of climate action campaigning aiming to draw attention to climate change and the destruction of the natural world ahead of COP 26, the UN talks on tackling climate change being hosted by the UK Government in Glasgow during November.
Tuesday 21st September (by zoom) – NUCLEAR FUSION – The answer to our energy needs?
Citizen scientist Dr Ian Fairlie, Vice President of CND explained what fusion is and why we should be concerned.
The Government is proposing a fusion reactor – a Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production – for our electricity needs. It is looking to develop an operational site, one of which could be at Oldbury/Berkeley. The Energy Secretary is to choose a site by 2024 ( ). But many dangers are associated with Nuclear Fusion. Read a summary of the talk here.
Wednesday 22 September – Workplace Parking Levy Seminar – sustainable transport infrastructure
Hosted by Clean Air Cheltenham
Saturday 25th September – Guided tour of woods by Postlip Hall

Camino to COP 26 is a pilgrimage for climate justice and the group stopped in Tewkesbury for the night of Tuesday 14th September – sleeping in the Baptist Church and hoping to engage with the communities they pass through along the way. Some of our local group met up with them and accompanied them at the start of their next leg to Malvern – See photo. Further information and other locations can be found at
History of a Green Wood – guided tour of Postlip Woods with Dr. Stuart Galey. Sunday 24 July 2021. Tewkesbury Green Party fundraising event.
Jonathon Porritt: Hope in Hell – talk and Q&A based on his new book – 20 July 2021
Butterflies: Not Just a Few Days on the Wing – 24 June 2021
Building A Real Democracy – 20th April 2021
Waste Q &A Session – 16th March 2021