Green Party Members Event May 4th
News from the Wild
Our Tewkesbury Green Party councillors are turning their minds to the forthcoming local election & are thinking about fund-raising to support the candidates. Part of this includes Garden Open Days. Caroline & Steve had a very enjoyable & successful day last year & be opening our Re-Wilded garden to members again this year on Sunday 4th May, 1.30-4.30. This is a few weeks earlier this year to avoid having all the long meadow grass being blown down by wind & heavy rain last June 2024.

As we are in the first few days of March, I thought I’d let you know what’s happening in our ‘wilded’ garden. Our snowdrop’s flowers have been open for several weeks & are fading away; but the crocuses are now fully open in the morning sunshine. We have a few Tete a Tetes opening but the wild daffodils I planted last year have got leaves but as yet no buds showing.

The local song birds have started their mating calls although its still not a full morning chorus. The local Great Tits & single Robin are calling most of the day & our local Thrush is back at his song-post perched high up on top of the large Willows in Tewkesbury Nature Reserve next door. Other birds have been seen investigating the nest boxes I made last year especially the Blue Tits. Myself & a younger friend were careful to put the boxes as high as possible on ivy clad trees & in most cases the ivy has grown & made them less conspicuous. Smaller birds like Wrens are present & I imagine they are nesting nearby in some of the ivy & small holes in our older trees. We’ve had a lot more Longtail Tits on the bird feeder this winter & are hoping they will find somewhere to nest in the Wilded part of garden.

Last year we allowed a lot of self-seeded Teasel & Evening Primrose to grow up around the house & in the ‘paddock’ & left a large stand of Teasel in the meadow grass area. Throughout the winter the Goldfinches have visited periodically to eat from the seed heads. Yesterday we counted between 8 –10 of them flitting between our front garden & the adjacent hedgerow which was cleared of bramble & re-replanted with native wild shrubs about 5 years ago.
Well that’s all my news for now. I hope you have a happy March.
Steve Spacie
March 2025 Events
Daytime Dance with Cate and George;The Watson Hall is closed during February as work is being carried out, so the next Daytime Dance will be on Wed 26th March.
John Moore Museum
World Book Day is officially Thurs 6th March 2025. Normally, we would advocate curling up with a good book and doing some reading, but not this year. Join us on a walk, as we use quotes from authors to inspire us about the natural world around us.
Do you have a favourite author you would like to recommend?
The walk is approximately 40 minutes. Wear sensible shoes. Refreshments available afterwards in the Old Baptist Chapel and the official first day of Spring is Thurs 20th March 2025.
Join us as we go exploring around our natural areas to listen to the birds sing, spot new blossoms and maybe even an odd butterfly or two. The walk is approximately 30 minutes. Wear sensible shoes. For both events, meet at the John Moore Museum, 2.30pm.
Book by calling 01684 297174 or email
Tewkesbury Nature Reserve
Community Forum
Become a member of the Community Forum so you can have a say in the decision-making and projects on the reserve.
Email Eve on for more information.
Volunteer dates in March; Sat 8th 10am-12.30pm and Wed 19th 10am-3pm Email Giles on to become a volunteer.
Calming Nature Craft Group: Mon 24th, 6-8pm Email Sarah on for more information and to book your place.
Tewkesbury Friends of the Earth
Next meeting Tues 11th March in the Cross House, back room, 7.30pm.
Tewkesbury Repair Café
Held monthly in Tewkesbury Baptist Church, 2-5 pm, next session Sat 15th March. Please double-check before travelling. Bring electrical, toys, clothes, costume jewellery, anything that needs fixing. Tools can also be sharpened. Tea and coffee available while you wait.
Details of all Local repair cafés
Daytime Dance with Cate and George
The next Daytime Dance will be on Wed 26th March, at The Watson Hall, Barton Street, 1-4pm.
Stonehills Community Group
If you live on the estate, please get in touch with